[Tango-L] Dividing Tango

Brick Robbins brick at fastpack.com
Wed Jul 30 18:57:19 EDT 2008

It seems convenient to me to divide Tango into two basic types based
on the intent and focus of the partners:

1) Social Tango.
In social tango the dancers dance FOR each other. It doesn't really
matter what the dance looks like, what matters is how it feels. They
may be striving for an intimate emotional connection, for a playful
interaction, or something else entirely. But they are dancing FOR each
other. Neither the shape of the embrace, nor the size of the movement
really matters. It is the focus of the dancers. Running into people is
not good FOR your partner, so of course good navigation is part of
this focus.

2) Performance Tango.
In performance tango, the dancers are dancing FOR someone outside the
partnership. They are still dancing WITH one another, but they are
dancing FOR someone else.

I do a lot of other dances, and none of the others present themselves
to me this way. Ballroom, Salsa, Swing, all have performance (or
competitive, which is really the same thing) aspects deeply embedded
in the philosophy of the dance. Good dancers are expected to show off.
It seems to me that many Argentine Tango dancers feel that Performance
Tango belongs on the stage, and Social Tango belongs at the Milonga,
and never the twain should meet.

In my experience, when a "Salon" couple strikes a dramatic, but
obviously uncomfortable pose, many of my social tango friends are
somewhat offended. They feel the same when a "Neuvo" couple is
obviously showing off. I think this stems from the change of focus.

These couples are obviously dancing for the audience, and not for each
other. If only they knew what the "audience" really thought of them.


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