[Tango-L] Gender roles in tango
Sergio Vandekier
sergiovandekier990 at hotmail.com
Sat Jul 19 17:25:55 EDT 2008
We have discussed this subject many times in the past.
My opinion is that there are two well defined roles in tango dancing: masculine and feminine.
As we teach tango in Argentina we emphasize the differences of the two roles, as an example the embellishments are executed in a different way:
one masculine, and feminine the other.
I have defined many times before what masculine and feminine in tango means and the fact that this is a reflection of society at large.
***This does not mean that a man has to be, only a leader, or a woman can only be a follower.***
You , like Martin and everyone else can dance as you please.
A man can be a follower and a woman a leader. Sometimes the original roles are preserved.
This is obvious in places like La Marshall and other Queer Milongas were, for instance two men may be dancing with each other, but it is obvious that one is taking the masculine role and the other the feminine one.
In other instances two men are dancing together (according to tradition) but they both have masculine roles: the result can be a beautiful tango as well, but it
will be a different kind of tango, with different feeling all together.
See the Macana Brothers for instance : http://vidslib.com/index.php?view=3625948
( if the link does not work look in youtube "Hermanos Macana tango".
In traditional tango dancing the man is the leader and the woman is the follower.
There is a tendency in Argentina for men not to dance with women that lead.
This is not due to intolerance but due to the fact that the tango with such a woman is "different".
Many times groups come from a Queer milonga to a regular milonga, men wearing long dresses with side openings from where hairy legs appear. Nobody seems to mind their presence, they are treated with utmost respect.
Summary: there are many ways in which to dance tango...but the traditional tango at a regular milonga has two well defined roles.
Best regards, Sergio
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