[Tango-L] "Would you like to lead or follow?"

Mario sopelote at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 19 01:54:28 EDT 2008

Tonight, I asked a woman to dance. She replied, "Would you like to lead or follow?"
  I was startled. I answered "Do I look like a follow?..Hello-o-o. I had lapsed into Valley girl 
  speak when what I should have done was my impersonation of Christopher Walken.
  So, Ok, I got it together and did my best Chris "Wow, this is confusing!..I dance tango in order to feel like a man...and what do I get?...unisex?
   What's this.. no more man, woman? Is that it? ...she replied again, "No, I just wanted to
  know if you wanted to lead or follow?"  I could have milked the scene, it was rich material
  so, I did a couple more lines in my best Christopher Walken voice (whenever I feel vulnerable, I go to Chris) and then we danced. 
   It's the man who approaches the woman. It takes a bit of nerve to feel like you can 
  pull it off with her...it's not easy.  There should be some respect..I don't get any respect.


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