[Tango-L] Tango in San Francisco

buffmilonguera@aol.com buffmilonguera at aol.com
Tue Dec 2 00:21:27 EST 2008

A friend of mine is going to San Francisco on business tomorrow.  I 
know it's short notice, but I told her I'd check to see where she might 
be able to tango.......I'll forward mail that folks send me, to her....


Have you joined the Buffalo Argentine Tango Society Yahoo! group yet? 
It's easy, and the best way to make sure you know what we're doing and 
what's going on with the Argentine tango in and around Buffalo......go 
to www.yahoo.com > select Groups > search for Buffalo Argentine Tango 
Society > follow the directions to join BATS_tango.  Thanks!

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