[Tango-L] "nuevo tango" -- Basic economics and exoticism
Amaury de Siqueira
amaurycdsf at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 17 09:43:11 EDT 2008
I enjoyed reading the different positions offered in
regards to tango
styles. One missing point in this discussion is
simple economics. =
Nuevo proliferates because there is a demand for it!!
>From the student perspective learning Nuevo Tango is a
matter of =
esthetic and personal connection with the dance and
music. I would find =
difficult to express my feelings in Nuevo style while
listening to the =
of "El Choclo". -- "Vieja milonga que en mi horas de
tristeza, traes a =
mente tu recuerdo cari=F1oso". =20
But as I said before that is a personal choice.
Students are free to =
what they want to look like on the dance floor as they
listen to words =
musical notes. Perhaps the traditional AT form and
expression feels
oppressive and too conforming... too square. So let's
look different =
cool... yeah !!
The second issue addresses instructors. Here
economics plays a larger =
We all know that competition in a free market economy
only allows the =
to prevail. If you cannot succeed as a top
professional in a given area =
then need to change strategies. Product
differentiation is an old =
trick to
bring the worse in one area to the top on another. So
emerges... A new space where one can claim to have
mastered certain
movements and thus command $$$ for services
In a rare moment :-) I agree with Nina's posting. It
is a matter of
maturity and experience (or perhaps not). One thing
is certain... as =
as people are willing to pay for Nuevo Tango classes
you will find =
teaching it.
The creation and marketing of Nuevo Tango is a great
strategy to create =
niche on the market where one can exploit and earn a
decent living. =
market, and sell... and does sexy sell?? Sure it
does. Package some of
that "sexiness" with pictures of exotic places and
birds and voila!!! =
have created the perfect vacation package for those
seeking the thrill =
of an
exotic and sensual experience. Such experience
promises to move the =
tango dancer away from the drudgery of their daily
life and work. =
Perhaps a
few days in an exotic place away from bills, children,
church, neighbors =
the white picket fence with 2 cars garage will
re-energize my life. =20
Nuevo Tango is giving a voice for those dancers that
find it difficult =
connect with the culture, feelings and emotions
associated with the more
traditional form of AT.
-----Original Message-----
From: tango-l-bounces at mit.edu
[mailto:tango-l-bounces at mit.edu] On Behalf =
Nina Pesochinsky
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 1:35 AM
To: tango-l at mit.edu
Subject: Re: [Tango-L] New "nuevo tango" Sacrifices
Tradition and Grace
Great article. Thank you, Huck.
I think that it is OK that they dance that way. For
now. If they=20
are under 30, they probably do not have the inner
resources to=20
appreciate the finer things of tango that the author
to. Some of it may be even scary for them.
But if you give them 10 years or so, they might
change. By that=20
time, all of the current traditionalists of whatever
age might be=20
dead, and so these people will be the future dancers.
And they will=20
not dance as they do now. This stuff is deeply
unsatifying after one=20
achieves a level of maturity that commands
So tango nuevo is a great trick meant to suck in the
young and=20
innocent, and keep them there until they become smart
enough and=20
mature enough to be trusted with the real thing.
At 08:22 PM 4/16/2008, Huck Kennedy wrote:
>On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 7:04 PM, <MACFroggy at aol.com>
> >
> > Here's a great article by Terence Clarke on Tango
Nuevo, with the=20
> popular DNI
> > school in BsAs as an example of what he terms
"Playground Tango":
> >
> >
> As I read through this article, I was so hoping
for a cargo pants
>reference and almost thought I was going to be
disappointed, when
>finally--Yes!! It showed up in the next-to-last
> Bravo, Mr. Clarke.
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