[Tango-L] Help to find masculinity in Tango !

rockies@comcast.net rockies at comcast.net
Sun Sep 30 15:12:14 EDT 2007

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Igor Polk" <ipolk at virtuar.com>
> I was told that many men trying tango drop it because they think "tango is
> too feminine".
> Some of my friends actually think that tango is very masculine, strong.
> I believe these men who dropped could be the best tango dancers and WE NEED
> Please, help to find ways to uncover masculine part of tango to potential
> great leaders !
> Igor Polk
> PS I understand there is a theory that tango helps to discover feminine part
> in men and men's part in women. But that is not what I need. I need the
> theory to present musucline attractiveness of tango to men.

Igor - It is impossible to change someone's beliefs if they are not flexible in their thinking. These men you talk about may be that way, so I really don't think there is an answer to your question that will apply to all men who view tango as feminine. As a suggestion though, instead of trying to tell them yourself how tango is masculine, why don't you have an attractive woman answer the question 'do you find the men who dance masculine, and why?,' in their presence (at your classes for example). It could be videotaped even, if someone volunteers.

Sergio has probably given you the source of the problem by explaining its antithesis - it is cultural. In North America, many men consider dancing to be gay. It is a fairly common social stereotype, and it's untrue. It is also most likely perpetuated by other men (not the ones dancing, obviously). You are literally talking about changing someones own feelings of sexual insecurity. Holding many beautiful women over several hours a night in ones arms should be enough to convince any man that tango is a masculine activity. You can tell them that, but will they believe you? As another suggestion, maybe have them watch a movie that breaks that stereotype. What may work best to break this stereotype is to hear another masculine man ( a sports hero or famous masculine actor) tell men that it isn't in fact gay, but nobody has stepped forward to do that. Some Hollywood examples exist on film... Shwarzenneger tangoing in True Lies, Al Pacino in Scent of a Woman, etc, but still the ster
 is not broken. I don't know if there is a good answer to your plea for help. 

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