[Tango-L] communites of all gender leading

jackie ling wong jackie.wong at adelphia.net
Wed Sep 12 13:47:11 EDT 2007

daniel trenner lives in northampton ma and his students are  
definitely encouraged to switch roles from day one. i also encourage  
students locally to switch and experiment.  it's easier for both  
danny and i because the two of us teach in colleges... amherst, mt  
holyoke, bard, williams college... personally, i find that younger  
students are more open to switching roles.

i always lead at milongas and have been known to lead at milongas in  
buenos aires.  porteno y bailerin, la viruta, la marshall and  
milongas that la vikinga hosts are generally open to "alternative"  
pairing.  i heard recently that the milonga that uses the same space  
as la marshall on another night, asks a woman who was leading and  
another that was wearing sneakers to leave.  please note that i'm  
passing on information which i didn't witness.


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