[Tango-L] Absolutely Professional Teaching Method

Maria Olivera ma_olivera at yahoo.com.ar
Wed Sep 5 19:07:37 EDT 2007

Dear Igor,

By "absolutely professional teaching method" I mean:

1) They prepare their lessons in advance, studying deeply what what they are
going to teach and how to transfer their knownledge to the students.
2) Because of this previous work, they develop their classes working with a
clear concept, starting from very easy but very important excersises on
rythmics and walking, and then growing up to more complex movements.
3)They treat the students with respect and kindness, which for me is one of
the most important things a teacher should practice. As students, we're all
vulnerable, and unlikely, some teachers act as if they were born knowing how
to dance, forgetting the fact that to come to a class means to forget our
ego by telling other people "I don't know, please, teach me what you do
know, help me".
4)They base their teaching in the concept of improvisation, which, together
with the embrace, is the real essence of our dance. So they are not teaching
strange or sofisticated movements that can only be done by young healthy
5) As they do the music at the milongas they run, they have a large
collection of tangos, valses and milongas and they also base their teaching
in the musicality.

I can probably tell you more, but I think this is enough to show that
they're not following the "do it like me" method, and they know what they
are doing.


-----Mensaje original-----
De: tango-l-bounces at mit.edu [mailto:tango-l-bounces at mit.edu]En nombre de
Igor Polk
Enviado el: Miercoles, 05 de Septiembre de 2007 04:42 p.m.
Para: tango-l at mit.edu
Asunto: [Tango-L] Absolutely Professional Teaching Method

Maria Olivera wrote:

"Their teaching method is absolutely professional.."

Maria, what is the "Absolutely Professional Teaching Method" ?

Igor Polk

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