[Tango-L] retaining men in urbana

Keith keith at tangohk.com
Thu Oct 11 00:25:47 EDT 2007

If I could answer on Joe's behalf, because I sometimes have the same problem. 
The label is 'Ballroom dance studio" thereby implying that the instructor is 
a ballroom instructor who cannot teach Tango as it'd danced in Argentina.

Since Joe also teaches Argentine Tango classes, why not call it a Tango dance 
studio? Or just a dance studio.

But I think we all know why Ron called it a Ballroom dance studio.

Keith, HK

On Tue Oct  9 20:46 , "Chris, UK"  sent:

>>> The ballroom dance studio in town tends to have extra women in their
>>> Argentine Tango classes, taught in an open frame.
>Joe (tango instructor, Regent Ballroom) wrote:
>> I guess if a dance teacher doesn't pigeon-hole himself with a label,  
>> other people will do it for him
>You've lost me there, Joe. Where in your quote does Ron label you or any 
>other dance teacher?

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