[Tango-L] Growing up an excellent man-dancer. How?

Keith keith at tangohk.com
Wed Oct 10 14:44:32 EDT 2007


I really think it would be prudent to wait until you've made your first trip to
BsAs before correcting Deby on the actual situation there.

Keith, HK

On Thu Oct 11  2:25 , "Igor Polk"  sent:

>"Take 100 dancers.  Of that 100 65 are women 
>and 35 are men.  So you have 35 men to dance with 65 women. Of the 65 
>women, maybe 15 are excellent dancers.  Of the 35 men maybe 5 are 
>excellent.  So there are 5 men for 15 women.  Then there are the rest of 
>the dancers.  Those 5 men know they are the best dancers. Those 5 men..."
>Wonderful Deby !
>Only I'd like to add that a number of excellent dancers between woman varies
>depending on who they are dancing with. I'll explain.
>I am sure if you take one of the 60 men ( which are not excellent) - for
>them, yes, 15 good women only.
>But if you take the rest 5 - more. They would say 50 women are good.
>That is the way it is. Great man dancer is able to reveal hidden talents of
>other women besides those 15 "excellent" ones. And they might even say that
>some of those 15 are not that excellent like others think...
>Shortly, every man dancer has his own understanding of who is the excellent
>one. And the numbers do not match. So, overall, taking in account opinions
>of all these 5 excellent leaders, there will be say 30 excellent women out
>of 65.
>What is the conclusion? The ratio of excellent women to excellent men is
>even larger than 15/5.  It is 30/5.
>Now the main point of my message: ( and that is corresponding to the
>previous topic - how to retain - (not anyone, but excellent!) beginners ).
>Many men as well as women stop progressing, taking classes, improving. Some
>of them judge their talents more objectively, most - not. 
>I do believe that is it possible to become a great tango dancer, if one is
>diligent enough, but they should have motivation. They should have a guiding
>star in front of them - which is going to say them - you are not there yet !
>And here what is your goal..
>As for those 30.. How to let them know: You are not one of 5 ! Women are
>dancing with you only because, there is not enough excellent men. Yet. Time
>changes, and more people come to tango. And many men do not even suspect
>that it is possible to dance much better than they do. Way better. There are
>6 major styles of tango. 4 styles of milonga. And Tango vals is not a vals
>if one does not make rotating turns and floating feelings... Do you know at
>least half of this?
>May be they understand it - they are not one of 5, but tango is not a
>competition, it is a social event, when friendship count A LOT. We come to
>"socialize" to our tango parties. But still, if it is possible to improve,
>why not to make this gift for your beloved one? For your dancing friends?
>Some of whom regularly dance with those 5 Kings of the dance? Men.... Learn
>tango !
>So, my question is how to bring up those excellent tango dancers:
>How to retain promising beginners, how to provide a guidance of great
>dancing, how to motivate men not to stop in the middle. What workshops are
>possible to train great man-dancers?
>Igor Polk
>ipolk at virtuar.com
>San Francisco
>Tango-L mailing list
>Tango-L at mit.edu

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