[Tango-L] Another Orchestra: [was Re: Contemporary classical tango orchestras, interpretations, recordings, compositions]

Konstantin Zahariev anfractuoso at gmail.com
Wed Oct 3 18:57:55 EDT 2007

Hi all,

I missed another orchestra that looks very promising. It is called
(OT) De La Guardia Vieja. It is a classical lineup of 4-4-1-1 (4
bandos, 4 violins, contrabajo, piano).

Despite the name, they are not involved in pre-1920 style tangos, but
instead aim to provide danceable tangos in the 1930s and 1940s
tradition (thus 'old guard' compared to post-1955 efforts).

The orchestra leader is the chair of the bandoneons, Joaquín Amenábar,
and it is under his name (not the orchestra name) that their CD is
listed on tangostore.com (so I missed it until now).

Listening through previews (whatever does not cut-off), it appears
their playing is divided half-and-half in a De Caro/Laurenz hybrid,
and a Di Sarli stream (but a more rhythmical De Caro and a 1940s-like,
faster, De Sarli) - hard to say more or be more certain just from the
previews. But no Pugliese/Piazzolla stuff here.

Also check out their interpretation of the milonga "El Esquinazo" -
very cool arrangement I have not heard before, so it might be
original! And the tempo is moderate, not at 120 miles/hour, so it
seems extremely danceable.

Lastly, I think the mp3 previews are such horrible quality that they
do a dis-service to the orchestra - the OT sounds like a cuarteto most
of the time.

With best regards,

Victoria, Canada

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