[Tango-L] Tango Retention

Russell Ranno russellranno at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 3 05:09:36 EDT 2007

Hello Tom,
Thanks for lots of great concepts in your posting.  I especially love the quote: “Steps are just the things you do once you learn tango”.  You also explained quite well why so many Argentines teachers teach steps…
Meanwhile, your main thesis is that if you retain the men the women will follow.  But then you say:  “Look at milongas or practicas in communities dominated by fancy tango (nuevo, fantasy, neo, non). You have lots of women, and not so many men.”  So where have the women followed? 
What I have found, in terms of retention, is that men like walking and rhythm work (as you say, to build confidence, etc.), but lots of women enjoy the movement possibilities in FIGURES, they will leave if they don't get them.  If you want a balanced community you have to feature a strong dose of both.
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