[Tango-L] Communication

Norman Tiber natiber at charter.net
Fri Nov 30 15:28:25 EST 2007

In Doug’s post he commented about being a “beginning Tango dancer”   
and indicated that  “I don't contribute to list.  It does not feel  
safe to do so.” A number of people then encouraged him to submit  
I can understand his hesitation because, based on my own experience,  
some of these same people responded very negatively when I first  
joined Tango-l, and submitted a posting comparing learning Tango to  
learning a language.

When my wife and I teach folk dance classes at a local college, we  
try to encourage our students to develop an attitude of “That’s how  
they dance it in my village.” This allows for an open exchange of  
viewpoints and avoids the crippling effects of “I’m right and you’re  
wrong.” It fosters an attitude of “We have different viewpoints and  
maybe we can listen to each other.” Good communication; the kind of  
communication we all work at developing when we dance Tango.
Perhaps we should all treat postings on Tango -l like dancing.

Respectfully submitted,


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