[Tango-L] Tango-L

Floyd Baker febaker at buffalotango.com
Wed Nov 28 01:48:46 EST 2007


On Wed, 28 Nov 2007 00:21:15 -0500 (EST), you wrote:

>I'm sorry (that's a Canadian for you, eh?), I wish to say:
>Tango-L was once such a great, great thing. There are many people who met
>somewhere and became life-long friends (even if they have never met in
>person also) through it.
>About 8 years ago, one chap was very rude and disruptive for his own
>inscrutable reasons, and he was taken off the list; after which a cordial
>atmosphere resumed for a while. But he started a bad thing.
>The list was moderated; then it was un-moderated again as it was just too
>much work for the volunteers. I think that era sort of wore a lot of them
>Through it all, the presence behind the scenes in the person of the
>orginator, Shahruk Merchant in Boston, has been, I would say, the most
>wise and generous person. Always I wish to express thanks to him for what
>he has done.
>Because I was in tango before there was this forum. And I appreciate the
>friendships it brought me and the sense of community it brought to the
>tango world for so many when it was established.
>Yes, there are the cycles which became tiresome to many listeros. The same
>questions would come up again and again, because new people are always
>coming to tango, and they find the forum, and ask once again to discuss
>issues already dealt with - BUT NOT BY THEM.
>Why has this forum attracted so many nit-pickers who delight in showing
>how superior they wish to be seen by jumping all over innocent posters?
>I don't know.
>But by about 4 years ago, these folks had about killed the whole thing.
>I grant that after a long time it is natural for people to kind of drift
>away. There is always a kind of attrition.
>But what Tango-L has experienced wasn't natural - it was forced by
>inconsiderate actives.
>The next time a new person writes to ask for the 1,000th time on the list
>about an ocho or whatever, why can't we all just smile and be glad there
>is another new person come to the party instead of yelling at them that
>that is a stupid question? Know what I mean?
>Why do the actives have to be so pedantic and anal about obscure
>intellectual pissing contests?
>Do you really have to get into a pissing match with me now about what I'm
>writing here? Is it really necessary?
>We don't have to wonder why the handful of people who have killed this
>list do what they do. It is obvious.
>Sure, we can feel sorry for them and do every time they throw out their
>thing to try to convince how big it is (seems like 90% are male) - but I
>feel a whole lot sorrier that they can't get along in a community
>situation that was and could be a great little thing - this Tango-l.
>I call for a moratorium on making innocent posters feel bad - especially
>new folks. And yelling like an idiot at other people you think didn't
>express themselves as you would.
>If we do this, it will come back to life. You watch.
>The whole tango world is growing. This certainly should, too.
>Angry Hogs - you'll find European tango with strict tempo much more to
>your liking, methinks. Fits good with limited sensibilities. And slapping
>people down for your own amusement exhibits such, surely.
>I just care, so I wanted to express what I know a lot of people feel.
>Tango-L mailing list
>Tango-L at mit.edu

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