[Tango-L] The Cross :: To unwind, or not to unwind, that is the question...

Alex alex at tangofuego.us
Wed Nov 14 12:26:45 EST 2007

What's the general consensus...after leading a follower to the cross (with a
juicy pause immediately after the cross)...and transferring her weight to
her left foot...should she keep her right foot behind (in the crossed
postion) (not "unwinding")...or should she "unwind" (uncross) her right foot
and bring it to the collected position?

My personal opinion is that unwinding/uncrossing, executed in a certain way,
can be much more aesthetically pleasing...both in feeling and
observation...plus, the follower is then "more" ready to take a forward step
(in extremely rare cases - like a practica) or a side step (more common).

When her right foot is crossed behind, it makes a forward or side step
awkward if not impossible, and the only option is a back step (for her).

Granted, this does not apply to the cross without a juicy pause, when you
walk right through the cross, there is no time to unwind....there is the
weight transfer and then the walk out in a back step...

This also does not delve into the subject of "led" unwinding options...

What does everyone think - when in a "pause" just after the cross - should a
follower unwind on her own or not?


P.S. Now that I have finished this...I know what the majority will say...

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