[Tango-L] Heels first vs. toes first

Michael tangomaniac at cavtel.net
Sun Mar 18 01:05:41 EDT 2007

I've read a lot on this subject. Unless I've missed it, a salient point is missing from the discussion about walking on the toes. (I walk on the ball of the foot.) To get onto the ball of the foot, I pull my hips back. As the hips go backward, my weight comes forward onto the ball of the foot. This is NOT the same thing as bending over. I'm not bending over. My hips going backward is a lateral motion. Bending forward is a vertical action. I'm maintaining my axis. If I bend forward, my axis goes forward as well, followed by my balance.

With my weight forward, my chest is forward, making contact with the woman's chest. As I move my chest forward, the woman steps backward.  My free foot comes forward to support my weight AFTER the woman moves backward.

I also dance ballroom where the lead is different. When I step forward with my heel, my pelvis goes forward for the smooth dances (Tango, Waltz, Fox trot). The lead ISN'T in the chest. I don't understand how to lead Argentine tango same way as ballroom, stepping on the heel. If I move my chest first in Argentine tango, I don't understand how I can dance with my heel. 

Anyway, dancing with my hips back, weight forward, and stepping on the ball of the foot works for me. I know better than to convince the list that is the ONLY way.
I'd rather be dancing Argentine Tango
Two weeks to the Atlanta Tango Festival where I've been told by a Washingtonian that "it's all close embrace." I'll have to wait and find out. Hope Delta Airlines doesn't go bankrupt in the next two weeks.

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