[Tango-L] CITA begins in BsAs
m i l e s
miles at tangobliss.com
Wed Mar 14 22:38:23 EDT 2007
Janis (and everyone else),
>Single women learn by dancing with various
>partners in the milongas. They don't need to learn steps in classes.
You are nuts, you do realize that right ? (smile) I say that with all
the respect I can muster Janis because you're making it increasingly
hard to believe what comes out of your keyboard.
Let me get this straight, you're telling me that a single woman
should come to BsAs and not take a single class, just show up at a
milonga and get 'danced' ? Is that what I'm hearing ? Are you
trying to tell me that there is absolutely ZERO benefit to a follower
to take classes prior to going to a milonga ? Is that correct ?
If that's so then you should tell one of the young ladies that I
danced with on Monday night that she shouldn't bother going to
classes at all in the bay area (and clearly not from Homer, Robert
Riobio, or even Nora Dinglebacher). By your definition above, she's
single, and she just got back from 6 weeks in BsAs, so clearly she's
learned everything she needs to know and is ready to 'conquer' the
bay area.
You know what Janis ? That's bullshit. I danced with her, and it
was an absolute horrible experience for her AND for anyone that
danced with her. She was a navigational hazard that needed the
instruction to correct what were obvious and clear errors. Worse,
she was dancing on her own and without the lead. Mind you there's
nothing wrong with that, but as you've pointed out on so many
different occasions, that tango is danced by two, not by one! She
whispered in my ear so that only I could hear her the she needed to
learn what she was doing right and wrong because it was clear from my
lead (and everyone else's lead) that she could use more than a few
classes. She could see the difference between 6 weeks in BsAs and
women that were taking classes and actually LEARNING HOW to dance
Prime example in the case above, because this was a practica, I could
talk to her about her dancing, whereas is if this was a milonga
that'd be a different story. I digress. In the case above, Before
she whispered in my ear, I took her into a right turn in open
embrace, and she walked around me....I thought perhaps I had mislead
her somehow but I knew I was dealing with a beginner. Clearly
someone in BsAs didn't do their job as you indicate Janis. Because
she didn't learn a BASIC RIGHT TURN! I did it again from the
left...and got the same result. We had talked earlier a few weeks
back when she had literally stepped off the plane so I knew what her
story was, in that she had spent a few weeks in BsAs, took no
classes, just danced at the Milongas every night. I stopped and
asked her in a sheepish voice, if she knew what a molenete was ?
Blank Stare. She asked if I would show her and I told her I was
unqualified to do so. However being a practica I gave it the old
college try and walked her through my experience of it, as none of
the 8 teachers present were available. But when one was available, I
handed her off to one of them asap. Explaining to them that I wasn't
qualified to teach her the requested movement properly from a
followers standpoint.
So you see Janis, I just don't subscribe to your belief that a
'single' woman or any woman for that matter could not benefit from
more than a few classes. Because here is a prime example above of
what you describe and not to name names, or to out anyone, but she
could not dance.
At the same time Janis, your logic implies that that the leads at the
milongas in BsAs will teach her everything she needs to know. Well
that's clear and present bullshit too, because according to her she
went to the best milongas and danced. If that's so, the why was it
that girlfriend didn't know what a Molente was ? Again, at the same
time from your own essays on the subject over the years (that I've
read in the archives) there are some HORRIBLE leads out there with
TERRIBLE habits! I can not believe for an instant that you'd
actually want one of those leads teaching her bad habits!
So explain this to me like I'm a 5 year old Janis, because I'm
literally not seeing this line of reasoning.
M i l e s.
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