[Tango-L] Practice can be a waste too.

Igor Polk ipolk at virtuar.com
Tue Jul 31 16:50:24 EDT 2007

"You are basically saying you have to practice/dance a lot and make a huge
effort to understand tango's simplicity."
"Tango is not easy at any level. But this is exactly what drives
passionate persons to it, to be able to learn a bit every time you
dance and immensely enjoy it as you master it more and more."

Yeah, practicing...
No, dear !

Don't you think that more practicing to obtain simplicity can be waste too?
When you get advanced haven't you regret about stupid things you so
mindlessly dedicated your time, money and energy for?

Here is an example of upcoming events in San Francisco Area:
( Just received today )

9pm: Lesson - The Dynamic Close Embrace Turn 10pm until ?: milonga
3:00pm: The Leader's Ocho
4:30pm: The Follower's Sacada
2:30pm: The Overturned Experience
4:00pm: A Colgada Odyssey
Another teacher is teaching:

fundamental improve skills "change of direction" turns, "alterations"
& the fluid changes of the embrace. Prereq: 1+ Arg Tango or competence in
basic molinete turns.
Learn lead & follow techniques for dynamic Tango Nuevo moves that include
"overturned" ochos, back sacadas for followers & "off axis" turns. Prereq:
at least 2 months of level 2 Arg Tango or the previous workshop.

* * *
Yeah, go ahead, one-year students !

I am going dancing. Argentine Tango !

Igor Polk.

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