[Tango-L] Effective Practice

Keith keith at tangohk.com
Sun Jul 29 22:54:35 EDT 2007

 Chrisopher is right.

 Chris, UK doesn't want girls to take classes, he doesn't want them to practice and he doesn't want them to
 improve. Why? Because then the girls have to be dependant on men like Chris to show them how to dance.
 We see it all the time - men who grab a beginner and show the girls a few moves to demonstrate how
 clever they are. Of course, it's pathetic. But I guess that's how Chris gets his kicks.

 Keith, HK

 On Mon Jul 30  1:56 , ceverett at ceverett.com sent:

>OK, ChrisJJ has revealed one of his assumptions in his arguments.
>Can you suss it out?
>On Sun, 29 Jul 2007 03:03:00 +0100, "Chris, UK" tl2 at chrisjj.com> said:
>> "Trini y Sean (PATangoS)" patangos at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> > Students cannot walk if they can't balance on one foot.
>> Students, this is nonsense.
>> In the tango walk, she is balanced on (at least) two feet - one 
>> of hers and one of yours. Plenty of girls in high heels can do 
>> this much better than they can balance on one foot.
>And of the "girls" that can balance using me as an assist, I 
>have yet to meet one that dances well.  
>Using me for balance means I have to have balance for 2 people.  
>Up to a point I can fill the need.  But I consider an act of 
>generosity and/or friendship.  I always counterbalance it by 
>seeking out a partner who can stand up by herself.
>In any case, advocating using the man as a crutch is demeaning 
>to both men and women.  I'm not a day laborer, and they aren't 
>frail helpless things.  As hard as I work on my dance, they can 
>at least get this one thing handled.
>> > They can't pivot if they can't twist while balanced on one foot.
>> More nonsense. What makes the pivot easy in the dance is that 
>> she has the guy to twist against. Takes him away and make her
>> balance on one foot, and pivoting becomes ten times harder.
>Given correct posture and technique it's effortless to pivot
>on your own.  
>Sure it's easy to twist against the guy.  But it's hard on 
>the guy.
>> > For beginners to practice musicality, they must dance alone. 
>> Still more nonsense. You can and do practice musicality every 
>> time you dance musically in a couple. Regardless of level.
>> Students, a teacher who repeatedly says certain things /cannot/
>> be  done is presenting you with a learning opportunity. From
>> seeing with your own eyes  that those things can be done, you'll
>> learn how much notice to take of that teacher.
>Yeah, I saw a beginner practicing musicality the other day.  He 
>fell on top of his partner, but he did it on the music.
>Call me an elitist prick, call me whatever , but I don't get
>this fetish you have for dumbing down the dance for followers.
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