[Tango-L] Effective Practice

Jay Rabe jayrabe at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 29 05:03:00 EDT 2007

> "Trini y Sean (PATangoS)" <patangos at yahoo.com> wrote:> They can't pivot if they can't twist while balanced on one foot.Chris replied: > More nonsense. What makes the pivot easy in the dance is that she has the > guy to twist against. Take him away and make her balance on one foot, and > pivoting becomes ten times harder.----------------------- A recent advanced class with Alex Krebs identified two different types of embrace, with completely different results in enabling the woman's pivot. In one, the embrace is firm, and this is what Chris is assuming, as she indeed has her leader to twist against, to provide the counter torque. But Chris, this is not the only possible embrace. In a very loose embrace, the woman must indeed pivot on her own power. And you're right, it is "ten times harder," mostly because it requires excellent balance, proving the validity of Trini/Sean's statement. OTOH, the statement is a little absolute to be completely true IMO, but what I believe IS completely true is that the better they can twist while balanced on one foot, the easier they can pivot, regardless of how much or how little they're using their leader to provide the torque power (since embraces are usually somewhere in between the idealized extremes of "firm" and "loose.") 
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