[Tango-L] Women's role - what teacher is better for advanced ladies.

Igor Polk ipolk at virtuar.com
Fri Jul 27 04:46:23 EDT 2007

Thank you Kathryn!


Yes, most of them are "undertaught".

To do all the things Razor Girl described, with the few exceptions which are
exceptional ( and usually having  a great deal of experience in other
dances, ballet, or ice skating ), it requires tremendous amount of
dedication to training. She should be able to do things way beyond simple
following and elementary technique, which are a must anyway.


It was discussed here before: too many women learned basics, then picked up
something from average ( it means mediocre ) leaders stopped learning
anything. While for the truly advanced dance they need to learn a lot.  It
is difficult for them to advance. They are in this position because they are
followers - it means they are at the mercy of men they are dancing and
practicing with. While a man can choose what to do, what to practice, women
usually can not do much ( remember, she is not on the level we consider to
be high ). Some of them can not even imagine what is there - on high level.
Men can. Some of them dance with genius ladies occasionally. They know what
it is about.


Now, here is a question: Who is the best teacher to train women to be


The one dancing with whom a lady shows much higher level than usual. The one
who is able to dance her beyond her imagination.


Igor Polk.






From: Kathryn Johns [mailto:tangoartist at gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 19:31
To: Igor Polk
Cc: Ed Doyle; tango-l at mit.edu
Subject: Re: [Tango-L] Women's role


Does anyone realize or acknowledge how"undertaught"followers

tend to be? How would a lady with a great desire,and perhaps latent ability,

to do the things you so beautifully describe and be the follower who can

fun herself and play with you leaders without spending oodles of time and 

money to travel to the few places advertising that followers are catered to 

and given ways,means and permission to be something more than a pawn in 

the game? 

If all that is available for instruction are males(yes,from Argentina

attention is generally on the leader. Some otherwise good instructors either

forget (?!)or don't know how to guide followers except to repeat ad nauseum

"keep your energy up"! And to make matters more difficult,disdain to dance

practica or milonga with less experienced followers unless they are young 

and/or pretty,then it doesn't matter if they can dance or walk and chew gum 

at the same time.

After the initial learning curve of giving up control,there is little to get

about except the eternal hope of arriving someday to some cherished place

that you've seen in a movie or heard about from someone who has been there,

or if you still believe the fairy tale that tango is all about the
woman...with respect

and to make her look her best.

You have to dance with(and learn from) a lot of frogs.

Maybe I am mad at men too.....but more with the system that accepts this.






On 7/26/07, Igor Polk <ipolk at virtuar.com> wrote: 


I never was in any doubt that she is a good dancer and has many friends. It

I hope I will get a chance to dance with her.. 

So, what would you say about what I said: "A lady is never free to interpret
the lead"  following with my explanation?

BTW, I am not against distracting of the lead in ladies interpretation of 
the lead. Consider it as a puzzle.


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