[Tango-L] Snow in Buenos Aires!

Alberto Gesualdi clambat2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Tue Jul 10 14:17:10 EDT 2007

Hi Huck
I am other Alberto  , than the one mentioned in your posting.

The mention to a voice replacing Gardel, is from a poem wrote by Raul Gonzalez Tuñon, a writer , journalist and poet, on 1936, when the remnants of Carlos Gardel came for their burial at Chacarita cemetery.

The name of the poem is "Death and burial  of Gardel - The death of the singer " , and was read in off by Julio Jorge Nelson , in a film "Carlos Gardel - Story of an idol" (1964), in a part of the filme that showed historic footage of the arrival to chacarita cemetery of Carlos Gardel remnants (february 1936)

The poem ends saying
" Maybe, when the snow fall again over our city,
another voice will be equal "

 Quizás, cuando otra vez vuelva a caer la nieve 
sobre nuestra ciudad, otra voz será igual. 


----- Mensaje original ----
De: Huck Kennedy <huck at eninet.eas.asu.edu>
Para: tango-l at mit.edu
Enviado: lunes 9 de julio de 2007, 23:54:40
Asunto: [Tango-L] Snow in Buenos Aires!

Alberto has news on his list that it snowed today
in Buenos Aires for the first time since June 22, 1918,
and that legend has it that when it finally happened,
it would announce the birth of the next Gardel!

     How exciting!

     Pictures:  http://tinyurl.com/2px8ov

     Story with link at bottom to videos ('videos enviados
       por los lectores'):  http://tinyurl.com/3xzulz

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