[Tango-L] How to Tango
bmichlig at usamontana.com
Mon Jan 22 21:55:52 EST 2007
Well, I am quite hesitant to post anything at all about anything at all on the list, being
as I have not yet had the opportunity to actually dance (but do read the list
voraciously, have for quite some time, and really want to learn to dance, and dance
well, given the constraints of time, money and location, the last being where there. is.
no. tango. at all.). But reading all the posts and responses has really got me thinking.
If I am new to tango, which I am, and looking for information, guidance, help,
instruction, experience, and even dances, and came across your site, I would, in all
honesty, seriously question my own sanity for wanting to do something so fraught
with infinite peril. What if I do it wrong? Accidentally learn from the wrong videos or
the wrong teachers? Need a more aggressive lead sometimes, or conversely wish
for a more responsive lead who can read what I'd like to do, and then "let" me do it?
Would I be shunned, shined on, dismissed or ignored? What if, with my limited
verbal and dance vocabularies, I am unable to communicate clearly - this is, in fact, a
given. I would anticipate, based on what I have read at your site, that the
consequences would be rather severe.
Floyd, I mean no harm or disrespect at all - and I am so glad that you have devoted
considerable time and energy and passion to getting all the thoughts out there, in
order to benefit us all. I truly sense a genuine care for what you do. And still, if I came
across your site, I'd probably look elsewhere for community. And I'd do so not
because the information you posted was incorrect or false or misleading, but rather
because of the tone.
It is such a difficult thing to communicate humor, especially one that could be
described as sardonic, in writing. All the winks and smiles and emoticons in the world
cannot really get that across. So the reader has only the plain old words to depend
on for everything - the facts, the nuance, the belief and the likely emotional state of
the writer are all captured in the words, for better or worse.
I would be frightened. I would be frightened enough to look for a different place,
group, website.
I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, but I thought that I'd tentatively offer up a
real, true "beginner's mind" sort of take on the thing.
Now, above all, one must be true to one's own heart and vision and passion. So, no
matter what anyone (most especially me) says, do that. But first decide if the image
you are presenting is the one that will really serve your own heart and vision and
passion the best.
With utmost respect and thanks -
Bridget in Montana.
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