[Tango-L] How to Tango

Floyd Baker febaker at buffalotango.com
Thu Jan 18 14:11:37 EST 2007

Gracias...   I am taking all of this advice, from everyone,  into
consideration and will be reworking the pages in some way.. Hopefully
we can undo this problem entirely...  Probably by putting the text in
a box with a plain background...   Similar to what I do on the
calendar page now..  

Thanks to all who made me aware of it...  We'll be working on it over
the next few days...   


On Thu, 18 Jan 2007 09:36:02 -0800 (PST), you wrote:

>Illegible tango web page issues:
>I use the "zap colors" bookmarklet on this page to read pages like
>Floyd's. It makes the text more legible by changing it to black text
>on a white background. 
>I'm afraid it this is a little techie.
>One more tip from a nearsighted old guy, if you're using Firefox,
>"control +" will make the text larger.
>--- Floyd Baker <febaker at buffalotango.com> wrote:
>> That is mysterious Igor.   *My* screen is extremely readable.   
>> The
>> text is mostly white already, with some sections being cream or
>> yellow...  All on a dark brown background.., so the contrast can't
>> be
>> improved by very much.
>> You might try View>Text Size>'Larger' (than whatever it is
>> already.)  
>> ... 
>> On Wed, 17 Jan 2007 11:38:05 -0800, you wrote:
>> >I want to read it, but I can not. My eyes can not accommodate to
>> the
>> >background of the page.
>> >Please, Floyd, make the text more readable.
>> >What about a plain black font on the plain white background?
>> >
>> >Igor Polk
>> >
>> >_______________________________________________
>ramiro garcia
>ramiro9 at yahoo.com
>In their feud [Stalin and Trotsky] both were right. Stalin was right in
>maintaining that his regime was the embodiment of socialist principles.
>Trotsky was right in asserting that Stalin's regime had made Russia a hell.
>Tango-L mailing list
>Tango-L at mit.edu

     Argentine Tango - Buffalo Tango - Sun Tango 
      * * * * * www.buffalotango.com  * * * * *

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