[Tango-L] How to Tango

ramiro garcia ramiro9 at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 18 12:36:02 EST 2007

Illegible tango web page issues:


I use the "zap colors" bookmarklet on this page to read pages like
Floyd's. It makes the text more legible by changing it to black text
on a white background. 

I'm afraid it this is a little techie.

One more tip from a nearsighted old guy, if you're using Firefox,
"control +" will make the text larger.


--- Floyd Baker <febaker at buffalotango.com> wrote:

> That is mysterious Igor.   *My* screen is extremely readable.   
> The
> text is mostly white already, with some sections being cream or
> yellow...  All on a dark brown background.., so the contrast can't
> be
> improved by very much.
> You might try View>Text Size>'Larger' (than whatever it is
> already.)  
> ... 
> On Wed, 17 Jan 2007 11:38:05 -0800, you wrote:
> >I want to read it, but I can not. My eyes can not accommodate to
> the
> >background of the page.
> >Please, Floyd, make the text more readable.
> >What about a plain black font on the plain white background?
> >
> >Igor Polk
> >
> >_______________________________________________

ramiro garcia
ramiro9 at yahoo.com
In their feud [Stalin and Trotsky] both were right. Stalin was right in
maintaining that his regime was the embodiment of socialist principles.
Trotsky was right in asserting that Stalin's regime had made Russia a hell.

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