[Tango-L] Is she a woman, a follower or an object?

Astrid astrid at ruby.plala.or.jp
Thu Dec 27 23:25:11 EST 2007

> Astrid wrote:
> Two brooms actually, and they look more elegant in the hands of this
> tanguero than quite a few women I have seen..They follow perfectly too. 
>  >>>

> Pocho Pizzarro has danced with two brooms.  He dances better with them 
> than
> any woman.
Yes, it was Pocho that I saw in that video! Thanks, Janis! Dances better 
with the brooms than with any woman? Well, here we go, paradise is at hand, 
guys ! All those of you  who are dreaming of the perfect, obedient, mindless 
follow, your fantasies come true at last... ; ) 

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