[Tango-L] Tango with Mars and Venus

ATANGO2@aol.com ATANGO2 at aol.com
Sun Dec 23 19:14:08 EST 2007


Gender Think 

He thinks about results. 
She thinks about process. 

He thinks about steps. 
She thinks about embrace. 

He responds to rhythms. 
She responds to moods. 

He thinks of dancing as moving while holding  someone. 
She thinks of dancing as being held while  moving. 

He thinks of getting from point A to point  B. 
She thinks how if feels to get from point A to point  B. 

He dances to impress. 
She impresses to dance. 

He thinks of how his moves  work. 
She thinks of how his moves  feel. 

He moves to the music. 
She moves with the music. 

He sees the floor as an obstacle  course. 
She sees the floor as a path to  bliss. 

He moves from the top down. 
She responds from the floor  up.. 

He remembers how she responds. 
She remembers how they bond. 

She thinks about what she’s  wearing. 
He thinks about what she’s not  wearing. 

He wonders if they'll spend the night  together. 
She wonders if they'll spend a lifetime  together. 
Polly McBride 
(From  my book "Tango with Mars and  Venus".)

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