[Tango-L] steps for close embrace in close quarters

Mario sopelote at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 19 13:29:21 EST 2007

steps for close embrace in close quarters
 Thanks to J and Victor for this concise list of ways to make close embrace interesting yet simple.
 A beginner like myself who mainly wants the Tango music and the connection of close embrace can get awfully confused when seeing the plethora of Tango sequences that are offered.  Having a few walks and a few patterns to concentrate on and then learning how to weave them into a varied dance is a giant relief.
Now, I can see light at the end of the tunnel and the light will be when I can navigate around the floor with musicality and a few nicely done moves to go with a varied walk.
Any further refinements or pointers around this basic foundation will be delightfully received.   Mario

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