[Tango-L] What is tango? [Tango Clasico]

Alexis Cousein al at sgi.com
Mon Dec 10 03:22:52 EST 2007

Tango Society of Central Illinois wrote:
> Let's face it, Tango Clasico and Tango Nuevo are different dances, even if
> they share common roots and, to some degree, common movements and common
> music. Compare the El Beso video to the Practica X video. A Martian
> ethnomusicologist (or better yet, an 8 year old human child) will tell you
> these are different dances.

You should read "the Origin of Species" a bit more thoroughly ;). The 8
year old child might agree with you, but a scientist classifying those
birds would disagree these come from two distinct species: all the
intermediate forms exist and cross-fertilise.

I'd be hard pressed to classify what I dance in one of these two bins,
to give just one example. When I suddenly get into another mood
and dance slightly differently, should I be changing attire just so
people are no longer confused as to what kind of animal I am?

Alexis Cousein                                  al at sgi.com
Senior Systems Engineer/Solutions Architect     SGI/Silicon Graphics
<If I have seen further, it is by standing on reference manuals>

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