[Tango-L] tangoprofessionals.org: Sex, laws, and tango teachers

Jay Rabe jayrabe at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 23 23:21:57 EDT 2007

OK, so how DO you deal with transgressions when they occur? Certainly many tango communities have had to face this. I personally know of 4, and I'm not well-traveled. I do know that some responses have been effective, and others have been disastrous, with the health of the whole community affected. This of course is Brian's fear, what with the incident there getting such wide press.
Of course how you deal with a given situation depends on many factors - how bad it is, whether it is part of a pattern, whether there is acknowledgement/remorse vs. denial, whether formal police charges have been filed, etc. But it seems to me that the concept of a "community" requires a response more definitive than looking the other way and letting the police and/or rumor mill provide their characteristic consequences. 
So, what DO you do?     J
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