[Tango-L] The Flying Dutchman

m i l e s miles at tangobliss.com
Fri Apr 6 18:37:19 EDT 2007


 >Well, how could my leader not notice my crashing into
 >other people? How oblivious does he have to be?

I wont get into a semantic argument with you here Caroline.  Except  
to state that just as in any relationship sometimes you are unaware  
of the things you do and how they are perceived by your partner in a  
relationship.  What seems obvious and clear to you, might not to  
someone else.

 >If he was in any way attentive or considerate, he would have cut the
 >tanda short himself and work on his navigational skills at Practicas
 >before returning to Milongas.

Gosh Caroline, I can't wait to dance with you (kidding).  Seriously  
see my statement above....

 >In Buenos Aires, they are merciless about poor navigation.

I've heard and I can't wait to sit all night long and watch this  
stuff happen.

 >You suggested backleading to control the leader's navigation - that  
 >not work.

Funny, it seems to work for my teachers in my privates (and I take  
multiple privates every WEEK) and it slows me down.  To get me on the  
beat.  And they don't let up until just before the beat happens.   
While it may be true that some teachers (mostly my 2nd grade teacher,  
Mrs Gulliamas, had eyes in the back of her head), most Tango teachers  
do not.

 >If the leader doesn't feel me tensing up, or my body being roughly  
bumped or
 >hear me gasping in pain as someone's stilletto stabbed my calf, then
 >clearly, he deserves having his tanda cut short.

Hmmmm, perhaps shin guards may be appropriate ?  (smile)

In all seriousness see my statement above about relationships.   
Sometimes these folks need a lil helping hand.  At the same time the  
reverse is true of followers that refuse to fix their embrace.   
Refuse to relax.  And go absolutely STIFF as a board in close or open  
embrace.  The moment you touch them, they go stiff.  Drives me  
batty.  So let's not blame this all on the leader girlfriend....really.

I know exactly how to shatter a followers confidence Caroline,  
stopping the dance in the middle of the dance with no explanation,  
and she'll be upset for the rest of the night!  That noise hurts  
Caroline.  It just hurts.  Period.

M i l e s

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