[Tango-L] The Flying Dutchman

m i l e s miles at tangobliss.com
Fri Apr 6 15:36:30 EDT 2007

Caroline & Igor.

 >That is the second best way to make a "tango enemy" for many years  
to come.

Men are different Igor.  "Enemy is a strong word."  I think he'll get  
the msg that something went awry.  What that something is, is a  
matter of discussion.

Your statement brings up the obvious question, ok...what's the first  
way ? (smile)

However Caroline, Igor does have a point.  Stopping the dance in the  
middle of tanda and walking off the floor with lil or no explanation  
is sure to confuse more than a few.  Mind you I know you didn't say  
that but the impression is there.

Perhaps another suggestion might be, and mind you this is a followers  
choice, but perhaps you could slow him down in his navigational  
efforts ?  Plant your feet with each step and make him move like  
molasses.  Which (if he's an attentive lead) will force him to pay  
close attention to his navigation as well as focus on you and the  
dance.  It also forces him to maintain connection with you.  Worked  
like a charm on me when I was with followers who know what they're  
doing and I was clearly rushing past.  I've learned so much from  
those experiences.

At the same time, I had the most devastating experience with a woman  
who literally walked off the floor on me.  Didn't say a word, just  
stopped about 20 steps in.  I went to the cross and she turned and  
walked off the floor.  I spent the rest of that night in tears  
wondering what I did wrong...my universe shattered.

M i l e s.

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