[Tango-L] about Tango

burl burl burlq7 at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 9 09:52:30 EST 2006

  I can tell you what tango means to people in New York City by percentages:
  Going to the Milonga's
  60% go to have a good time (and maybe get laid) even though they don't dance well.
  25% go to show off and be as bitchy as possible (it depends on how thin you are and how good your tango face is)
  8%  go just for the music
  4% go because the tango is there back-up dance and there is nothing else going on that night
  5% go to try to make a living (and they usually bump into you on the dance floor)
  And don't know about the last 7%.
  In terms of practicing the dance with a regular partner:
  35% practice so they can join the 25% at the milonga's who have a good tango face
  20% practice because they hope to seduce their partners
  45% practice so they can join the 60% who don't know how to dance at the milongas (some of these eventually get promoted into the other two percentages of course).
  In terms of being an argentophile:
  20% think that if they wait for 1 minute and stand still when the music starts that is pretty authentic argentine
  24% think a hat and white scarf is pretty cool or that fishnets and something red is the sauce
  32% know enough about the tango to begin after the introduction but still don't dance that last down-beat
  The rest think the milonga is the easiest dance of the three.
  I hope this helps.

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