[Tango-L] Travelers' Tips for Buenos Aires

Bibi Wong bibibwong at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 1 09:00:52 EST 2006

> > Still if you must change money in the airport,... Instead, as you leave 
>customs, find the Banco
> > Nacional office (if I recall properly, its to the right) where you will 
> > something close to the current market rate.

The location is correct, immediately to the right hand side.
There is also an ATM by the bank accepting Star system, if I recall 

At the bank, there are brochures that educate visitors about counterfeit 
paper currency.

Not sure about the bank hours, but most of the international flights arrive 
at daytime, so it is ok.


Find a local pizza place, music store, museum and moreā€¦then map the best 
route!  http://local.live.com?FORM=MGA001

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