[Tango-L] (no subject)
curvasreales at yahoo.com.ar
Mon May 15 14:08:02 EDT 2006
I apologize, the !dictionary attacks! I meant as a joke - forgetting that not everyone should know what this is -(and it is still Monday). A !dictionary attack! is method of applying words in succesion - dictionary is a good source- in order to guess simple logins and passwords. Hence the requirement to build complex passwords.
About the French definition - I just looked up the word vigueur (vigor) in the Canadian dictionary you pointed to, and that definition caught my fancy.
It seems that discussions on the net are far more interesting if someone's head is bashed-in, isn't it? On second thought, just like in our Media...
Maybe dancing Tango, elegantly, is an escape from the daily drudgery? A romantic throwback?
A very good day to you too
Sergio Vandekier <sergiovandekier990 at hotmail.com> escribió: "Sergio,
I am afraid that dictionary attacks helps the discussion go nowhere.
What about vigor in dance as an indicator of sexual fitness?
Add some dancing skills, some good looks, good music, and then we have
somethin' to talk about...
Lucia ;->
PS I like that French definition, which in translation sounds: vigor is a
quality that shows (of) life...
Lucia ;->"
Dear Lucia,
I never meant to attack anyone. Michael made a reference
to the dictionaries I used and I replied. I apologize if my note seemed to
be an attack on anything or anyone.
I am sorry to hear you do not talk unless it is about good looks, good
music, or good dancing skills.
Many people have a lot of fun talking about bad looks, poor music and
terrible dancing. :))
I do not know what you mean by ...the French definition....
Have a good day even if it is a Monday, Sergio
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