[Tango-L] festivals.tango.info/2006 - only 87?

Mr tobias conradi tobias_conradi at yahoo.de
Sat May 6 08:06:01 EDT 2006

http://festivals.tango.info/2006 has only 87 festivals but 

http://festivals.tango.info/2005 had 122 

if you see that a certain event is missing, you can best report it via 


The festivals will also be shown at sites such as http://eng.tango.info. E.g. at country start pages like the one for the Netherlands: http://eng.tango.info/NL or city pages like for Chicago: http://eng.tango.info/USCHI

All tango.info sites combined get between 3000 and 4000 pages views per day.

Thanks for you help in festival research,
best regards

Tobias Conradi 
http://eng.tango.info http://festivals.tango.info 


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