[Tango-L] colgada

astrid astrid at ruby.plala.or.jp
Fri Jun 23 23:20:47 EDT 2006

> > Can a "colgada" be considered as a milonguero element? I
> > do a turn in  close-embrace that involves all of the
> above......is it still milonguero?
> Personally, I would say "no".  It can be a bit disruptive
> to the trance if it's a big turn.  But that is only one
> gal's opinion.

I agree with Trini on this one. A colgata is a very strong accent, as seen
from the outside and also as felt from the inside of the couple.
As for the inside of the couple, as the lead is very different from the
other moves, it can be disruptive to the trance, yes. And the other day I
danced with an old friend who had apparently taken a long break from tango,
and he suddenly led a colgada by sort of tightening his grip above my waist
and heaving me around with a "whoomp!"That was definitely the worst part of
the danced with him. It also came unexpected as there was no accent in the
music to indicate a strong movement.

I also know another guy who trained in NY before returning to Japan with
some style that looks like nuevo tango learned by an ex-ball room dancer. He
uses big colgadas all the time, with the ends of his jacket flying. Only, he
even uses them when they are playing old D'Arienzo or Biagi... and then it
really looks kind of absurd.

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