[Tango-L] off topic: sky blue and white stripes...

Igor Polk ipolk at virtuar.com
Sat Jun 17 02:13:36 EDT 2006

Thank you, Manuel for your support!

When I read your essay about somersaults I felt negative judgment on the
athletic dance, or dance which looks glamour so to speak. I do not want to
use the word "show". For some reason it has negative tint in some
communities: you know, words have different meaning for everyone depending
on their own vision.

I am glad that I am mistaken and you understand that it is also true good
tango and also is done with feelings and passion.

Funny, some time ago, I considered myself close embrace dancer only. Now I
feel more and more attraction to open embrace styles: slow or fast.

I glad we can leave off unnecessary confrontations on that matter,
Thank you!


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