[Tango-L] Prologue-- vs. Cop-outs

WHITE 95 R white95r at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 8 16:23:28 EDT 2006

>Hey Sergio,
>Well, I speak for myself when I say that I'll miss you, and that I wish
>you would've stuck around to participate in this forum as it leaves the
>7th grade behind.
>In the meantime, I'll continue to discuss this dance at the high level
>it merits, and if certain thoughts or others go over someone's head,
>that's Okay. Plenty escapes me, until I grit my teeth and Learn. Your
>advice is well-intentioned, I'm sure; but condescension has never been
>of service to anyone, whereas the too-advanced discussion has
>occasionally done the "unqualified" listener a great deal of good.

I don't think that many people in this forum find it difficult to understand 
ideas written in clear and simple manner. There are probably a good number 
of folks who've written dissertations, etc. However, I think it's best to be 
simple, concise and clear. Instead of trying to talk over the heads of the 
hoi polloi, it's probably more fruitful to speak to the people with respect 
and treat them with dignity. I don't think that tango is such an esoteric 
and high falluting topic that it requires words out of post doc publications 
to discuss. BTW, a big hello to Sergio. I hope we get to chat face to face 
again sometime.



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