[Tango-L] Getting students to dances

Lois Donnay donnay at donnay.net
Thu Aug 17 12:04:59 EDT 2006

I do that every Tuesday - found a nice café with half-price bottles of
wine that will let us play tango. Only the regulars come, though!

>The only other thing I've thought of doing is to actually TAKE the
>out after class, similar to what a lot of tours to BsAs do.


----Original Message Follows----
From: "Lois Donnay" <donnay at donnay.net>

So how does a teacher get her students to a milonga if they don't think 
they're ready? I would love to see my students go out more often.
that I organize several events that are easy to attend for dancers and 
non-dancers alike. We have great, friendly dancers in the community who
a point of dancing with beginners, a practice I encourage with rewards
free lessons or admission.  Still some beginners won't venture out -
good enough yet" or "won't know anybody".

I would love to have the kind of influence that you seem to credit
Lois Donnay
Minneapolis, MN

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