[Tango-L] What Does It Take to Dance Tango?

Lois Donnay donnay at donnay.net
Thu Aug 17 06:37:09 EDT 2006

So how does a teacher get her students to a milonga if they don't think
they're ready? I would love to see my students go out more often.
Towards that I organize several events that are easy to attend for
dancers and non-dancers alike. We have great, friendly dancers in the
community who make a point of dancing with beginners, a practice I
encourage with rewards like free lessons or admission.  Still some
beginners won't venture out - "not good enough yet" or "won't know

I would love to have the kind of influence that you seem to credit
teachers with!
Lois Donnay
Minneapolis, MN

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris, UK [mailto:tl2 at chrisjj.com] 
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2006 7:35 PM
To: Tango-L at mit.edu
Cc: tl2 at chrisjj.com
Subject: Re: [Tango-L] What Does It Take to Dance Tango?

Well said, Keith. That gets my vote for Tango-L Post of the Year so far.

> A soon as I encounter a teacher who teaches SOCIAL tango in as few 
> lessons as possible while giving everything they can and trying to 
> get the student to STOP coming for now because they know all they 
> need to know to have a fabulous evening dancing, I will change my
> opinion.

And I'll readily join you. If amongst the hundreds of teachers on this 
list there is even one that meets this description, then please let's 
hear from you.


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