[Tango-L] Live music

PATRICK CROTTY patcrotty at msn.com
Wed Aug 16 18:34:38 EDT 2006

Composers and musicians make music. Social partnered dancers pick and choose some musical genre to dance. The dancers then create a dance genre they think and feel reflects and is in harmony with the music. Time goes by, and the music changes. At first the dancers resist. Then the better dancers adapt. After a while the others dancers see what the better dancers are doing to reflect the music, and they copy. Then things settle down for a few years. Sorry Virginia, then the cycle repeats itself. The history of music and social dancing bear this out.  If you continue to ignore this reality, after a number of years, you will have no one to dance with. There is a Tango Orchestra in Denver, Extasis. They are not the advance guard of tango orchestras, but they are somewhat past Pugliese. The better tango dancers in Denver can produce an authentic Argentine Tango that is in harmony with Extasis music. The average tango dancer can also enjoy Extasis if they are willing to listen and deliver good basics until they get a feel for the music. Listening is the key and willingness to listen is paramount. If you are a tango dancer and are in Denver while Extasis is playing, come out and listen to this music, get up and dance to it. By the time the first set is over, you will not be disappointed with yourself. After the third set you will have a smile on your face, and so will your partner. Remember what all the great dancers say when ask what they were thinking about while dancing - "listening to the music".

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