[Tango-L] Everyone's "one of the most respected and well-known dancers in BA

Caroline Polack runcarolinerun at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 3 14:29:10 EDT 2006

"If you can dance in BsAs, you are dancing true tango. "

  ---Lois Donnay
Minneapolis, MN

I think that is a common misperception - I've read numerous accounts of how 
some dancers in BsAs are really terrible or maybe they are okay but not 
great, irregardless of they were a local or a foreigner, whether they are a 
teacher or just a milonguero//a. Just because they dance in BsAs doesn't 
mean they are good.

I've even heard some Argentinian tango teachers admit (when they went on 
teaching tours in North America or Europe) that some of the foreigners 
actually dance better than some of the locals and they had never been to 
Buenos Aires.

What do you mean by "dance successfully in Buenos Aires" ? What is your 
definition of success?


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