[Tango-L] [TANGO-L] Desperate to learn, no teachers here. Please help -

Barbara Garvey barbara at TANGOBAR-PRODUCTIONS.COM
Sun Apr 30 23:59:24 EDT 2006

I have yet to find a video or DVD that could be really useful to 
beginning dancers; a good 2-hour video could address walking, 
lead/follow, the embrace (with variations),  a salida, cadencias, 
forward and back ochos.  None of the ones I've seen (and I've seen most 
of those  easily available)  try to emphasize technique which is what 
beginning tango is all about, or rather what all tango is about. Maybe 
there is a good beginners tape or DVD for close embrace but not that 
I've seen.

Please note, we haven't seen Christy Cote's DVDs; hope to remedy that soon.

Also, although there are several good Followers' tapes, especially that 
by Rebecca Shulman, the only one I know of for Leaders is superficial 
and does not discuss leading, for Pete's sake.

Have I missed something?

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