[Tango-L] "Stay away from self appointed tango teachers."

Andy andy.ungureanu at t-online.de
Fri Apr 28 12:19:14 EDT 2006

steve pastor wrote:
>   That's all I can stand. I can't stands no more. 
>   <>
>   Who exactly, pray tell, decides who is a teacher of tango? 
It's simple, the (broader) community decides who is accepted as a 
teacher. The one who thinks he is a teacher, but doesn't have many 
students, nor regular classes, the one who is teaching during milongas 
is a "self appointed teacher"
>    And, oh by the way, just last Sunday two different women I dance with shared with me what was basically the same helpful tip. I welcomed this input, and plan to start using it. Were they "teaching"? Call it what you want. Just don't denigrate it.
No, they didn't teach. They gave you a tip to make them more comfortable 
dancing with you. Teaching on the dance floor is usually done by men who 
are not able to make the woman perform what they want and, instead of 
trying something else or let it be, begin to explain or show them steps, 
also called "verbal leading". They do it usually with beginner 
followers, other followers don't dance with them any longer. The 
beginner followers are impressed that someone "so experienced" cares to 
help them so much. Later they realize it was only bullshit.
>   Sometimes "the rules" are counter productive. 
Yes, sometimes, especially when the rule is not properly understood ;-)
Giving tips to someone you know (longer than 2 dances) is not that 
teaching meant by the rule. Giving tips to everyone, if they want to 
hear it or not, is insensitive and silly.


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