[Tango-L] Where can I find more Milonga at milongas?

Stephen.P.Brown@dal.frb.org Stephen.P.Brown at dal.frb.org
Thu Apr 27 16:59:08 EDT 2006

As a DJ, I am sensitive to the number of people who choose to dance to 
each tanda.  In many communities where I have DJed, I find myself playing 
fewer milongas (and candombes) at most of the milongas than I myself would 
like to dance to.  I find that I am able to play more milongas at tango 
festivals than in most communities--maybe because the general level of 
dancing is higher among those who have the committment necessary to attend 
a festival.

That makes me wonder if the lack of dancers on the floor when milongas are 
being played may have something to do with a general lack of milonga or 
rhythm skills in the communities where there isn't much milonga dancing. 
Strange as it may seem, milonga classes aren't very frequently/widely 
taught.  And in many milonga classes, the instructors seem to emphasize 
complex movements over rhythm.

In my own community, the number of people dancing milonga increased 
dramatically after a number of us taught very basic milonga classes, and 
that allowed me to play more milongas at our milongas.

With best regards,

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