[Tango-A] SA: NEW SEPTEMBER 1-6 TangoIntensivo(tm) "A" session scheduled! Registration now open!

Brian Dunn brian at danceoftheheart.com
Sun Jun 22 13:33:58 EDT 2008

Dear Tango Aficionados,


We’re thrilled to report that our TangoIntensivo™ sessions with Luciana
Valle sold-out 39 of 40 places in the past May/June sessions just
concluded.  And we’re just as thrilled that the 40 spots in our
October/November sessions are ALREADY sold out.

BUT – we still have a problem:
- Many of you were surprised at how fast the sessions sold out (so were
we!), and weren’t able to register in time.
- We’ve received multiple requests from current, former and prospective
students to offer additional sessions THIS year – even from those of you who
just finished your sessions in May and June!

So we’ve decided to offer an ADDITIONAL TangoIntensivo™ “A” session from
September 1-6, 2008!  This will have the same time-tested format as the
previous sessions – six days for a 25-hour program of exhilarating,
intensive study, with the acclaimed Luciana Valle at the helm of our
dedicated and talented staff of TangoIntensivo™ Assistants!

In the face of inflation raising our costs on the ground in Buenos Aires,
this workshop is a bargain, as we'll probably have to raise prices next
year.  For now, before July 25th, the price is still US$595 (PayPal fees
apply additionally if using PayPal to pay by credit card).

We're processing the evaluations from the session just concluded, and we're
happy to report the same very positive feedback that has become traditional
and customary for these programs - find out why for yourself!

You can find out everything you need to know at our website at:

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any further questions.

Brian Dunn (& Deb Sclar)
Dance of the Heart
775 Pleasant Street
Boulder, CO 80302 USA
“Building a Better World, One Tango at a Time”

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