[Tango-A] Ney Melo - workshops+milonga in Palo Alto, Sunday May 6
Ney Melo
neymelo at gmail.com
Mon Apr 30 16:31:58 EDT 2007
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dorcas Hendershott <dorcas at stanford.edu>
Date: May 1, 2007 3:38 AM
Subject: Ney Melo - workshops+milonga in Palo Alto, Sunday May 6
To: espiritulibretango at yahoo.com
Sunday, May 6
NEY MELO @ the Palo Alto Elks Lodge
4249 El Camino Real, Palo Alto (near junction Arastradero/Charleston,
next to Trader Vic's)
Two workshops: Introduction to the Villa Urquiza Style of Tango:
2:00-3:30 p.m. Walking with Elegance & Cadencia
4:00-5:30 p.m. Mastering the Molinete
$25 for one workshop, $45 for both workshops (including milonga)
Pre-registration is requested. espiritulibretango at yahoo.com
followed by
6:00 - 10:00 p.m. Millonga del Espiritu Libre
wiith performance by Ney Melo
hosted by Dorcas Hendershott. DJ: Bernhard Kohlhaas.
Refreshments, a great dance floor, and plenty of parking.
Milonga $12, Stanford students $7 . BA Tango members $10
directions: http://www.stanford.edu/~dorcas/EspirituLibre/elkslodge.html
Ney Melo is one of the most talented today's young Argentine Tango
dancers and teachers,
dancing an elegant style of social tango and following the traditions
of the neighborhood
of Villa Urquiza in Buenos Aire (home of the the Sin Rumbo &
Sunderland milongas).
His dance is defined by a smooth and graceful walk, a powerful sense
of musicality, and
an intimate embrace. He has become a highly requested teacher for
his innovative
teaching methods and passion for teaching. He has taught and performed
in Buenos
Aires, Singapore, Malaysia, Romania, Australia, New Zealand, and all
over North America.
Watch his performances at http://www.youtube.com/tangotelevision
Ney's website is www.neymelo.com.
Upcoming events at the Elks Lodge:
Sunday May 20: Pulpo & Luiza (three workshops)
Sunday, June 3: Gato & Andrea (two workshop) and milonga with live
music by Hombres de Tango)
Sunday, August 5: Negracha & Diego (two workshops) and milonga
There will be no Milonga on Sunday, July 1
- it's Nora's Tango Weekend at the Clarion Hotel,
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