[Tang-Residents] Fw: Recent increase in bicycle and scooter thefts

Dawn Anderson colquitt at mit.edu
Fri Sep 13 11:55:26 EDT 2024

Hello Tang:

Forwarding information about increased bike and scooter thefts across campus.  Being across the street from campus police is not a deterrent, so please read the flyer for suggestions on how to best secure your property.

From: David J O'Connor <dave153 at mit.edu>
Sent: Friday, September 13, 2024 9:02 AM
To: Helen Wang <helenyw at mit.edu>
Cc: ughoh <ughoh at mit.edu>; gradhoh <gradhoh at mit.edu>; Kristen Selheim <kcovino at mit.edu>; John DiFava <jdifava at mit.edu>; Steven DeMarco <sdemarco at mit.edu>; Andrew J Turco <aturco at mit.edu>; David Friedrich <dfriedr at mit.edu>; Richard Hilton <rhilton at mit.edu>
Subject: Recent increase in bicycle and scooter thefts

Good Morning Everyone,
I am writing to ask for your assistance in getting word out to our community members regarding a recent increase in bicycle and scooter thefts throughout campus. In most of these incidents, the victim had affixed their bicycle/scooter to one of our community bicycle racks with a U-lock device. In the case of the stolen scooters, though a U-lock had been used, the lock was not affixed in the proper location on the scooter to secure it properly. Please see the attached crime prevention flyer on the proper way to secure scooters. Please encourage anyone using a bicycle on campus to purchase a U-Lock and to properly secure the bicycle frame to one of our MIT community bike racks. Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated. Be safe, Doc
Sergeant David J. O'Connor
Crime Prevention/Community Policing Unit
MIT Police
565-570 Memorial Drive
Cambridge, Ma. 02139
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