[Tang-Residents] Fwd: 9/16-9/17 Amherst Alley utilities work and detours

Michael J Collins collinsm at mit.edu
Thu Sep 12 18:47:08 EDT 2024

Subject: 9/16-9/17 Amherst Alley utilities work and detours

Following, please find updates regarding utilities work underway on Amherst Alley.

Utilities work in front of Building W71
Utilities work is scheduled to continue in front of Building W71 through mid-October, weather permitting. Work is scheduled from 7AM through 3PM each day, with high levels of noise occurring after 9AM. Starting on Monday, September 16, and continuing overnight, traffic patterns will be disrupted, and vehicles will be detoured around the area.

Detours on Monday, September 16, 7AM – Tuesday, September 17, 7AM:

  *   Vehicle detour: Traffic along Amherst Alley will be restricted in front of Building W71 starting at 7AM on Monday, September 16 and continuing through 7AM on Tuesday, September 17. Drivers will be directed to alternate routes. Local access to driveways will be maintained, and access to the Westgate lot will be maintained on Amherst Alley from Vassar Street. Amherst Alley will remain open to pedestrians. Signage to direct pedestrian and vehicular traffic will be posted. See the map for details.

  *   Shuttle detour: The Tech shuttle will be relocated to the Tang/Westgate stop from 7AM – 3PM on September 16. The Tech shuttle will continue to stop on Amherst Alley for the Burton-Conner stop. It will then continue onto Memorial Drive by way of Fowler Street. The shuttle will next turn right onto Audrey Street and stop in front of Building W84; this is the relocation of the Tang/Westgate stop from Amherst Alley. See the map for details.

Questions about this work may be directed to Seth Kinderman at skinderm at mit.edu or 617-828-3356.



Monica Lee
Communications Director
MIT Campus Services and Stewardship

Visit the construction updates page of the Facilities site for information on this and other activities:

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